mercredi 23 mars 2011


1. What is meant by 'Social Media is not free'?

  • access to social media is free but not everything:
  • the company has to hire someone to manage social media so this is not free
  • some social media are not free such as: buzzmetrics, cymfony... you need to invest for the design and build your own application on those social media
  • other investment could be done to be present in new social media: for example a mobile app cost a lot of money (around 5000 euros) 

2. In addition to rooms bookings, what measurements would be effective for hotels?

  • Measure in term of notoriety by using a special program for example: twitalyzer, klout, google analytics
  • guest comments
  • sharing value/ active followers
  • page views
  • loyalty
  • how many fans, download, followers, view...

3. How should a hotel, with limited resources, decide what SM efforts to make?

  • define a SIM action plan 
    • define in which social media we will act
    • set up goals and objectives
    • define the chanel (social media and plateform)
    • how to measure it
    • how to create a bigger community

4. What role does SM play in offering customer services?

  • it is an influencer
  • to reward the guest
  • personnalization of the customer

lundi 21 mars 2011

Delta launches online check-in via Facebook

The article of the week I found very impressive is about the new application on facebook of Delta Airlines.

What an invention? The company has got from last august a facebook page. But now everybody can book a flight from the facebook app. That mean a gain of time.
you only need to go over your facebook page and then you can book your vacation: you do not to book in an other booking engine app over your phone.
the tocket counter permits to the guest to put additional option and look at the delay, check in hour... direct on it facebook account.

I went to there blog and customer have nice comments. This is a good invention. I think every company should do that.
link to the artcile

lundi 14 mars 2011

20 examples of great Facebook Pages

One way to market the brand of a hotel or hotel chain, is to create a facebook pages.

The page permits everybody to follow the brand and to know the news of it.4 to 5 people use social media. Around everybody has got a facebook account.
The percentage of ROI created by facebook pages are growing up every day. The facebook page is the way to interact directly with clients or futur clients.
For example the facebook page of Leading Hotel of the world asks every week end if someone have been in a LHW hotels and spend a great time. Also they everyday speak with the fans so it creates a great contact between fans and the company.

The fan feels important for the brand. And the brand takes advise, compliment, or bad experiences, so it is like a satisfaction survey.

lundi 7 mars 2011

Starwood launches comprehensive online booking in Chinese

Here is the link
One of the largest hotel group in the world grows its market in Asia.

As we know China is the biggest market in terms of tourism emergence. So Starwood hotel group expend its chance of attracted more chinese tourist. So the group develop it booking engine translted it in chinese. So the access for chinese is easier.

It is the way for customer and also for the group to understand each other. The company is the only one in the world that is 24h available in chinese for customer.
The strategy of the group is amazyng and unique.

The analysis of the market segment and looking at the future is the way of being the more profitable for customer and know what is expecting.