dimanche 12 décembre 2010

The new rules of handling customer complaints

Article of the week - The new rules of handling customer complaints

This article is about the necessary primaries of Hotel management: the client complaints.

In every hotel all over the world the most better level of quality is necessary to make the clients happy and also evidently loyal! As the famous sentence in all services works :
"The customer is always right". This sentence is at the base of all services, because when you have understood that you could work on the best way to developp and managed all your services to make your clients happy.

In Hotels management if a client is not happy your credibility must be erased in few seconds. You have to do all to creates a special link between you and your clients.
My experience in quality management permits me to say that quality is a works of everydays, each services, each things in your hotel must answer the client requirements. You have to watch, try, and expect to ameliorate each services.

But the things is that you can't be the best hotel or the best manager without quality and unfortunately with the customer complaints. Customer are the best way to manage and developp your quality in hotel.

It doesn't exists a real rules to advised customer complaints, just be sure of your valor and listen clients to better perform.

Link to article

dimanche 5 décembre 2010

10 ways restaurant can improve their website

The article which retained my attention today is a text about the importance of the website for a restaurant. Nowadays customers like to look at the website sort of preparing theirselves and knowing where they are going. So it is very important for the restaurant's marketing to get a good website and easy to look at and find. The customer who do not find the phone number to book a restaurant in the website will forgotten to go there. Also it is important to find the menu easily. If the menu is difficult to access the customer will be bored.
In my opinion for a restaurant or a hotel if the website is nice or inventive and creative I will think that the restaurant is good because they make effort for the guest.